BASF patented Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), naming it Styropor


First shutter made from Styropor, then called IGLU-System (Iglu = Igloo)


Foundation 'Baum, Jutzi & Partner Inc.' (BJP) in San Antonio,Texas, USA.
BJP has all patents, rights and licences belonging to Styro Stone.


Introduction of paperless office, enabling us to a lean production and management, the effects of which effect you can see on our good quality/price ratio


Establishment of European Head Office in Belgium
Conference of contractors with wide experience in the field of shuttering systems with Styro Stones (permanent insulating framework) setting the standards and principles for the new European Styro Stone System.
Production starts in Poland


Styro Stone was the very first in its sector to give away a free program to calculate quantities and prices.
Due to never ending problems with quality of production in Poland, all moulds shifted to a plant in Ede, in the Netherlands, where good qualtiy Styro stones were produced to our customers complete satisfaction.


Foundation of ISO (International Styrostone Organisation) accessories


Introduction of RR (35cm wall depth = U-Value 0.16) into the market


First European company displaying a customer friendlyVanity-Nr.


European head office transferred from Belgium to Spain. Introduction of new roof insulation


Styro Stone France develops new, easy to transport, trestle, .


First UK Styro Stone house constructed in Kent.


Introduction of L-shaped corner stones into our product range

Production of Styro Stones now possible with NEOPOR


LANTAC building type approval awarded

BBA certification awarded


Change to Neopor. Styrostones with EPS-ties and 25cm width stay in traditional EPS(#0001). The same stone with hard ties (#0601 /# 0701) is available with conerstones(# 0604 /# 0704) either in traditional EPS or Neopor.

The new calculation program is available.

Since fall, the RR cornerstone is ready.


Sept.: After 3 years, the BBA gives the ETA (European Technical Approval) to Styro Stone,


Oct.: More than 20 managers of Styro Stone Europe meet in Dortmund (Germany) to discuss further production plants throughout Europe to minimize shiping costs.


After almost 3 years of preparation production starts in China. A "dress rehearsal" is staged by building a guard's house at the entrance of the Shanghai factory

2007 is the beginning in Tahiti too. More pictures


Entrance to our factory in Shanghai as it appears now.

Pouring beer after pouring concrete in New Caledonia , tropical islands in the Pacific, around 1.500 km east of Australia. Click here for more pictures.


For the asian market we produce in Shanghai styrostones with a concrete core of 20 cm
We are proud of our dutch representative, Johannes Out, who probably built the first Energie-plus-House or Active House of the world.
We transfered our production from Ede to van der Heijden in Veldhoven/Holland


Extension of our production in southern Europe in Italy to ICSS / Milano

The German Energy Center & College Shanghai (GECC) on the World-Expo 2010 in Shanghai is built with Styro Stones. Begin of construction were 13. Januar 2010.



Extension of our production facilities in the Netherlands with Wolters Europe


Click for bigger image
The 1. passiv house in Spain celebrates its 12th anniversary, which is published and praised in the German press in the "Costa Blanca Nachrichten"


Styro Stone India is established